On Screen This Week

Coming Up : 20th & 21st October

New Caledonian Film Festival 2024

New Caledonian Film Festival

Showing Now @ Luxe Cinemas

Iris and the Men  (Iris et les hommes)

Iris is a woman who seemingly has everything: a wonderful husband, two perfect daughters, a successful business – but no sex life. As she approaches 50, she opens Pandora’s box by signing up to a dating app where she soon finds an influx of suitors.

Un mari formidable, deux filles parfaites, un cabinet dentaire florissant : tout va bien pour Iris, sauf qu’elle ne parvient pas à se souvenir de la dernière fois qu’elle a fait l’amour. Peut-être est-il temps de prendre un amant. S’inscrivant sur une banale application de rencontres, Iris ouvre la boîte de Pandore. Les hommes vont tomber, comme s’il en pleuvait.
In 1870s Brittany, Rosalie is a young woman who hides a secret: she is a bearded lady. In an effort to not to be rejected, she forces herself to shave. Abel, owner of a café and in debt, marries Rosalie for her dowry without knowing his fiancée’s secret.
Rosalie est une jeune femme dans la France de 1870, mais ce n’est pas une jeune femme comme les autres, elle cache un secret : depuis sa naissance, son visage et son corps sont recouverts de poils. Elle est ce qu’on appelle une femme à barbe, mais n’a jamais voulu devenir un vulgaire phénomène de foire. De peur d’être rejetée, elle a toujours été obligée de se raser. Jusqu’au jour où Abel, un tenancier de café acculé par les dettes, l’épouse pour sa dot sans savoir son secret.

Widow Cliquot

Widow Clicquot is based on the true story behind the Veuve Clicquot champagne family and business that began in the late 18th century. After her husband’s untimely death, Barbe-Nicole Ponsardin Clicquot (Bennett) flouts convention by assuming the reins of the fledgling wine business they had nurtured together. Steering the company through dizzying political and financial reversals, she defies her critics and revolutionizes the champagne industry to become one of the world’s first great entrepreneurs. (In English as part of the British & Irish Film Festival Oct 28th & 3rd and 5th November at Luxe Cinemas)

Trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOFBDabjZt0

DVDs to Lend Out

I have approximately 120 French DVDs that anyone who is still able to view DVDs is most welcome to borrow. There are comedies and dramas, recent and older films, famous actors and less famous. All are subtitled in English.

Let me know if you don’t have, but would like, the catalogue and then make your choice.
shelley@lovefrench.nz  or ph 07 578 9416.  No charge.

Au petit écran – on the Small Screen

Netflix :  Lots of excellent French series & films to suit all tastes.

Library Movie Streaming:
All you need is a Tauranga City library card and the internet and you will be able to access over a thousand films and documentaries via Beamafilm, or classical music, concerts, ballets ,documentaries, artist portraits and education programmes via Medici TV.  All access is free.
For more info: https://library.tauranga.govt.nz/digital-library/streaming
PS: The library also has real books and, in particular, a French novel section.

TV NZ OnDemand : has a number of French movies in their Foreign Language section: