Les journées internationales : décembre

A small selection of « world » days coming up this month :
  • Le 15 décembre : Journée internationale du pull de Noël : International Christmas Jersey Day
    On the third Friday in December, people are encouraged to make the world better with a sweater and raise funds for Save the Children by wearing a Christmas jumper and making a minimum donation of €1. If it’s too hot for a sweater, anything Christmasy will do. This day is apparently trending and is often linked to World Ugly Jersey Day.
  • Le 18 décembre : Journée internationale des migrants : Migrants Day

    Migration should be a choice, not a necessity.
  • Le 20 décembreJournée internationale de la solidarité humaine

    The UN made this day official in 2006. However, in 2000, it had already been declared that solidarity is a fundamental value in international relations. What about un pont between the 18th and the 20th ?
  • Le 27 décembreJournée internationale de la préparation aux épidémies: International Day of Epidemic Preparedness Day
    The first ever International Day of Epidemic Preparedness was observed in 2020. The United Nations General Assembly called on all its member states and other global organisations to mark December 27 every year as the International Day of Epidemic Preparedness in order to advocate the importance of global partnership against epidemics.
    « Un monde, une santé » . One World, One Health.
    History tells us that Covid-19 will not be the last pandemic.