The History of Coffee in France

The Good Life France has everything you ever wanted to know about the history of coffee and cafes  in France.

Have a read on

Find the answers to these  questions:

  1. Who said (erroneously as it turned out)  that “There are two things the French will never swallow – Racine’s poetry and coffee” ?
  2. Which Pope proclaimed “This devil’s drink is so delicious we should cheat the devil by baptizing it.” ?
  3. When did the first coffee house open in France ?
  4. What is the name of the oldest coffee shop in Paris ?
  5. Which King made his own coffee ?
  6. What did Voltaire and Napoleon have in common ?
  7. Who invented the first percolation system coffee maker ?
  8. What choice of coffee horrifies French people ?

And, not in the article but, can you link the two coffee shops below with their famous series or film characters ?

International Coffee Day: October 1st